Saturday, February 5, 2011

Home Sweet Haven

Okay, so it has been another week since I wrote last and a lot has happened. This will be very disjointed because I don't have much time so I am trying to write as much as I can as fast as I can.

I started developing my possible thesis topics more and more this past week. My prof still has to submit paperwork to the Eastern Cape Parks Board before I can technically begin, but that is how my main schoolwork is going. I also finished my online classes and took the exams the first three days at the Haven. Now I work on my things while the other students are in class. We meet up for discussions and meals and fieldwork though.

We did a hike to the waterfall on Monday and that was nice.

On Wednesday we had a meeting scheduled in Hobeni with Chief Patrick. We waited for him to arrive for a long time so I ended up getting sunburned. It is already gone now though so nothing major. I had already met with Chief Patrick a few times last year so nothing important went on. We were just introducing him and a few members of the community to the new students.

Evan and Warren arrived on Thursday with Dr. Smithwick and I hung out with them for most of Thursday and Friday afternoon. On Friday morning we went into the forest and learned some tree species with some experts and revisited one of the plots that we did last year.
Friday night we stayed up late and partied for Dr. King's last night in South Africa and we had a nice time.

Today was a rest day for the other students. I slept in so I missed breakfast again and then I did some more work. After that I helped pack and do grocery and camping supply inventory for our journey to Mkhambhati tomorrow. We will be in Mkhambhati for over a week. Actual days are TBD. I think we will be back on Monday the 14th, but nothing is certain.

I will not have internet there so I wanted to make sure that I let everyone know that I will be on about a two week hiatus from posts and contact. We are supposed to be doing animal trapping while there so I am excited to find out how it will go. Last year I had already broken my toe by this point so I didn't have as much to do in Mkhambhati as everyone else. Oh, and I guess I should explain that Mkhambhati is another nature reserve in the Eastern Cape that is about 6 hours away from Dwesa-Cwebe. We will be camping in tents this year instead of staying in the cabins that they have there.

Aside from that, I hope everyone in the States is happy and healthy. Have a Happy Valentine's Day! I was not able to upload any pictures. I will try again sometime when I have more patience for the internet.

I know this post is particularly boring so I just want everyone to know that I know that. I just want to pack and get to bed since I have to get up early tomorrow for the long drive. Thanks everyone for your comments. Special thanks to Lexi and Melissa for what you said. Everyone has asked about all of you and we miss you!

Final Thought: Packers ALL DAY.

1 comment:

  1. Well I'm surprised you even picked a side but be glad because I heard from my students that the Packers won.
